In Order To Get Good At Anything, You Have To Do It Badly First

duda • February 26, 2025
I have had countless conversations with people over the years about earning the right to be better. You must understand to be good at anything, you must suck for a bit first. Anyone that started anything sucked at the start. ??This is why we should never compare our week 1 with someone’s year 1 and your year 1 with someone’s year 10. ??Going a step further here we usually follow this cycle. 
Good - Not so good - Good again. ??In the gym you may become the best scaling athlete in the gym, win the rounds then you up your weights, learn a new skill and in order to practise them in a workout you have to suck again for a while …. Until you don’t. 
In any sport, you are great. Awesome at club level, then you get picked for for state … You suck again playing with better players, until you work and catch up. Now you don’t. ??At Jiu Jitsu; You start, you suck. Then you become one of the best white belts beating all the other white belts. Then you become a blue belt … Let’s guess? You suck again against other blue belts. You go from being the big fish in small pound to a small pond with bigger fish. But if you keep turning up and getting better you will improve as a blue belt, until you hit purple belt and then the cycle carries on. 
Academics. You are really bright in high school, best in the class. Then you go to uni with other people who are as bright and the work is harder, you pass. Then you do a masters, harder, PHD? Where does it end. Hopefully it doesn’t ??I hope you see what I am getting at here, in order to improve in ANYTHING in life you may just need to suck a little bit first. 
Lean into this, understand it’s going to happen, you may feel like they are road blocks but they are not, they are growth points. There comes the moment in time where you see true growth and potential, and what is on the other side if you just keep showing up is progress. ??Keep showing up, keep running your race, keep doing the work. IT WILL PAY OFF. 
DON’T QUIT. It’s coming.
By duda February 26, 2025
By duda February 26, 2025
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