As we approach the Christmas period, it can be daunting if you're trying to maintain your results and health. But there are small tips to help minimise impact from the holiday period.
You can still enjoy yourself, with some simple ways to keep you on track.
It’s no secret that protein consumption is key if you’re looking to build muscle. With the holiday season approaching, it’s easy to get a bit lost with tracking your protein intake with all the family dinners and outings. However, it’s incredibly important to ensure you’re consuming the right amount if you want results. You should be aiming for a minimum of 1.5g per kilogram of body weight per day. You can worry about the carbs and fat ratios later, as long as you have your protein aim met for the day. Calories are king when it comes to achieving body goals, but protein is definitely next in line to the throne.
As Sean says, “Do more of what you enjoy, and you’ll do more of what you enjoy.” If you pick methods to achieve fat loss/muscle gain that doesn’t appeal to you or ones that you don’t enjoy too much, you’re bound to lose motivation mid-way and give up. If you like running, run, and if you don’t, don’t run. There are plenty of ways to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself, find one that makes you enjoy exercising.
There will always be people with opinions and habits that are different than yours, which is why you need to learn to keep your foot down and say no. Your goals are important to you, and so when you are in a situation that doesn’t support your goals, you should be able to voice your disinterest. Empower yourself by not giving in to people who guilt trip you into eating something you don’t want to eat, or doing things you don’t want to do. Your time is precious and so are your goals.
The only person in the way of you and your goals is you. To educate ourselves on the right and wrong, to eat well, and to train well – all of it is our responsibility. If you’re blaming everyone else for your lack of progress, it’s not going to affect anyone but you, nor is it helping anyone either. Control things that you can easily control such as the foods you eat, your sleeping schedule, the amount you train, and your consistency with all the above.
If you struggle to drink 2 litres of water a day, you’re the one at fault because it is you who isn’t making the effort. The benefits of staying hydrated are innumerable, regardless of whether you’re trying to build muscle or lose weight.
If you’re someone who enjoys a good fruit smoothie or loves having steamed vegetables with your meals – frozen fruits and vegetables are your best option. They’re easier on the pocket and they last longer too.
Sleep is extremely underrated when overall health is looked into. Sleep is great for fat loss, building muscle, improving your mood, making you feel energised, and everything in-between as well. A minimum of 6-7 hours of sleep per night is recommended, and studies to show the incredible effects it can have on you.
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Wynnum West
0487 352 082
0487 352 082