Dieting isn't easy - nutrition isn't easy, that's why it's a whole profession that requires study and qualification. And people get overwhelmed when they're trying to adhere to new goals - but you don't have to. Take it one day at a time, and don't let one meal derail you. Here are five common mistakes we see people making when trying to adhere to diets.
1. Not tracking your food and always just guessing
WHY is this a problem? If you’re constantly guessing I guarantee you will be over-consuming calories more often than not. Whilst tracking isn’t forever its important to use this tool while you can to increase your knowledge of food and get you from Point A to Point B faster.
2. Lying about how much you drink
People tend to feel embarrassed to tell us how much or how often they drink… DON'T. Everyone likes a drink every now and then and if you’re honest with us we can help you find balance so you can enjoy yourself without having to feel guilty.
3. Letting the weekends ruin your progress
Like I mentioned above we want to help you find balance. With the way modern life is weekends are always going to be a bit more social so we need to learn to allow for those potential extra calories we may have at lunches, birthdays, parties etc during the week through a variety of methods, to help ensure we stay in our deficit or without going over maintenance calories.
4. Getting upset when you don't lose or notice change in one week
These weeks will happen and are sometimes planned, and it's important to realise that slow progress or maintenance is still progress and is essential to any dieting journey. SO never beat yourself over a slow or a maintenance week, learn from any mistakes you may have made and just be a little better next week.
5. Speed of implementation
Now, this may not be a term you are familiar with but it refers to your ability to hear advice that will benefit you and your goals and implement them in your life.
Too often we give will give advice only for it to be ignored or put off usually this stems from our fears of failure but remember it's fine to try something and it not work.
Failure is our first attempt in learning. We will never ask you to do something that will have a negative impact on your life, while it may challenging to hear or difficult to add in a new habit or change an existing one. It will help you in the long run and as coaches, that's all we want.
If you find nutrition or training overwhelming, get in touch with our team for advice or a consultation.