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Why Skimping On Sleep Is Ruining Your Weight-Loss Progress

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Why Skimping On Sleep Is Ruining Your Weight-Loss Progress

If you’re not hitting your weight-loss goals, consider if you’re getting enough shut-eye.

When it comes to health, before anything else, sleep is king.


It's when your body recovers, restores and adapts from the stressors both mental and physical we place upon it - humans are the only animals in the world that actively forgo sleep for other activities, but why? If you're looking to establish a healthy lifestyle, you must dedicate time to sleep, between seven to nine hours, every night.
You can't bank sleep, and if you don't get enough shut eye, it'll affect your performance, weight, mood and more.


One study found that participants in a sleep deprived state saw an increase of 28% in hunger hormones, and satiety hormones down by 18%. This means they were hungrier and felt less full for longer. Other side effects include craving energy-dense (high calorie) foods, exaggerated food rewards, a decrease in energy and motivation and an increase in fatigue and mood swings.

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Sleep is paramount to achieving your health goals – be it weight-loss, lifting heavier, moving faster or feeling more energetic.



At Rebuild, we often discuss nutrition goals with clients, but it’s a reduction in sleep that is hijacking health goals.


Sleep hygiene – ensuring you’re maximising your sleep quality through behaviour is key.


If you’re struggling to get enough sleep, try the below tips to help with your sleep health.


Make the room as dark as possible

Keeping light low will help you drift off as your body knows it’s time to sleep when it’s darker. Try and switch off any blinking or stand-by lights.


Turn your phone off an hour before bed

This will allow you to wind down and removes the blue light from waking your body up. It also helps your brain. Try reading for an hour before bed instead of scrolling through your phone.


Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each night

Regulating your sleeping hours will reinforce your body’s natural circadian rhythms, making it easier for you to get to sleep each night, and wake up each morning.


Get some sunshine each morning

This will help reinforce your body's circadian rhythm, and hey, it feels good too. The boost of vitamin D will help you feel awake in the morning, telling your body it’s time to wake up.


Reduce your caffeine intake

We’re not saying to give up coffee – we’re actually big fans of a brew – but caffeine has a half-life, meaning if you dose up in the mornings, your body can only process half every four hours. So sip on your long black with caution, but enjoy it!


So take some simple steps to reinforce your sleep routine, and make sure you're getting enough shut-eye each night, you'll feel, perform and look better.

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