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Surviving The Silly Season: How To Maintain Your Goals Over Christmas

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In the midst of endless advice flooding every channel on navigating the holiday season, the topic can become wearisome and repetitive. Yet, amid this repetition, the central message remains persistently unanswered. Do you adhere strictly to your routine during the festivities, or do you indulge throughout the holiday and just enjoy? 

This debate comprises two distinct perspectives. On one side, numerous nutritional and health experts advocate for embracing the joy of Christmas, asserting the freedom to indulge in one's desires, particularly when it comes to food. Conversely, the opposing viewpoint, albeit diminishing, suggests that maintaining one's progress throughout the holiday season is feasible. It emphasises the possibility of staying aligned with personal goals, even amidst the celebratory chaos.

"Those who emerge from the festive season content," notes coach Sean, "are generally individuals who've stayed committed to their goals and achievements." He contrasts this with individuals adopting the 'it is what it is' mindset, who find themselves only partially satisfied during the festivities.

Recognising that one has regressed from a hard-earned routine can be profoundly disheartening. For many, this setback feels akin to undoing months of dedicated effort, highlighting how easily one can lose track.

The pivotal question revolves around its worthiness.

Everyone approaches the holidays uniquely. For some, it's a time of relaxation, while for others, it presents an opportunity to catch up on missed training or pursue unmet fitness aspirations.

"Ultimately, it hinges on your personal perception of Christmas," adds coach James, "and also on your childhood experiences of celebrating it." As time passes, perspectives evolve, shaping how one wishes to feel post-Christmas. If the annual aftermath breeds self-disappointment every January, perhaps adhering to personal routines without losing focus could be more rewarding.

However, for some, a period of rest and recovery works wonders. Taking a week-long break might reignite determination and vigour for training. Yet, for many, the most challenging part lies in getting back on track.

The ultimate strategy for navigating the holiday season lies in doing what genuinely uplifts you, rather than combatting the festive atmosphere.

"For me, training is a non-negotiable as it brings me joy, even if I indulge in less-than-ideal eating habits around it," shares James. Moreover, it's crucial not to berate oneself for slipping up. Surrounded by a feast of calories and delectable desserts, giving in occasionally might spare you from regrets. "Those who plunge into an unbroken two-week holiday often return to work wishing they'd actually taken a break from their break," adds Sean.


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