Hip Replacement And Staying Positive: Coach Sean

duda • February 26, 2025
I’m 30. I need a hip replacement on my right hip. 
Why has this happened? not 100% sure but I think it boils down to genetics, a bit of bad luck and a love for sport. I first started noticing I had hip issues in 2015 where I had to have surgery on both hips to help fix up some impingement that was causing me a lot of grief when playing rugby. 
Whilst that helped temporarily and I was able to get back to rugby and training I was never fully the same. 
Today, I can’t run, I can’t squat, I can't even walk pain free. I can't honestly even remember the last time I wasn't in some kind of pain.
I’ve almost gotten used to it. 
And as the list of “can’t dos” continues to grow little by little.
I know I could let it get me down, and it certainly does from time to time, but I know and quickly realise what’s most important to me in the long run. And to me that is being as fit and healthy as I can be not only physically but mentally too.
If I can’t squat anymore or run, fine; I'll bike and bench. I’ll continue to box. There is so much that can be swapped out, which allows you to still get fitter, stronger and most importantly healthier. I know the road ahead will be challenging but come May next year I'll have a shiny new hip which will give me some new challenges and opportunities to face but in the meantime I’m LOVING what I can do and performing as well as I can. For those perhaps in a similar boat to me remember STOP doing things that hurt because you think it’s the ONLY way. The goal of health is a lifelong investment, yes sometimes the cards we are dealt suck but I stay motivated because I’m not afraid to change. There will always be opportunities for growth we just have to find a way forward rather than give up at the first sign of trouble.
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