Weight-Gain And Holidays: How To Balance- By Coach James

duda • February 26, 2025
I’ve just got back from visiting Wales, for a whole month - after not seeing loved ones for three years due to covid, a story many can relate to.
The trip was good for the soul. It was needed more than I ever imagined and it really was possibly the best all-round month of my life.
During this month we spent so much time together as a family. A lot of my friends now have children I had never met. As you can imagine, it was a lot of food, alcohol and plenty of good times.
Being a health seeking person but also someone who preaches balance, it was great for me. I trained 3 or 4 days per week, had smoothies, ate balanced meals where possible, ate protein in pretty much every single meal. These are my habits, they are inbred into me.
But the ‘good’ did not outweigh the ‘bad’ I put this in quote marks because good and bad are subjective. The whole month was good in a holistic sense.
I gained about 1.5kg. It doesn’t seem like a lot when you look at fluctuations (I fluctuate about about 2.5kg a day) but over all around 1.5kg of body fat, 100% fat. Was I trying to gain weight? Not really. Did I care if I did gain some body fat? Not at all.
People are so worried about gaining fat, it’s frightening really. People see fat gain as the worst thing that can happen?! Bullshit. It’s fat, it can come and go.
If you are having a big weekend, a holiday or an extended break and having a great time in the process, don’t stress. Enjoy it. Do the basics that make you feel great and have a great time.
The problem is when people are trying NOT to gain weight, gain weight and dislike what they are doing in the process. This is where problems can lie. Hating what you are doing and gaining when you are not looking to.
Go into your breaks with an open heart, be wholesome, enjoy your life. There is more to life than dieting 24/7. You deserve more than that.
No one has ever been on their deathbed and said ‘I wish I dieted on my holiday when I was in my 30s’
Make memories, enjoy yourself and do what YOU need to do to make you HAPPY.
One hot day doesn’t make a summer.
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