It can be frustrating to see yourself going to the gym every day, putting in that effort for an hour every day, and yet not seeing any results. Often what happens though is that we tend to overlook certain habits that may have a huge effect on our weight loss/muscle gain or general workout results. Anything from not consuming the right foods, not being consistent, not sleeping well enough, or even having incorrect form can lead to being an obstacle in your path. Here are some reasons why you may not be achieving your fitness goals.
If you’re using the gym as a break from everyday life, constant socialising can be forgiven. However, if your attention seems to be divided while you’re specifically coming to the gym to achieve desired results; you should be concerned.
If you have goals related to performance or body composition, you need to be present and put in the work because no one else will do it for you. It’s natural to make friends at the gym since this leads to a sort of shared motivation and some level of encouragement too but it’s important to keep in mind the main reason you started working out in the first place.
Sean provides a great example for the same: “Let’s suppose you aim to work on some muscles around your body. The best strategy would be to train it progressively twice a week with a variety of compound and isolation movements. Another good strategy would be to do a bunch of bodyweight hip thrusts and lunges several days a week. A very poor strategy would be to perform yoga or train like a distance runner, thinking it will make a difference.”
Not performing an exercise correctly or positioning your body in the required way can do more damage than you think. Not only will it put your effort to waste by not providing results, but it may also cause physical harm in the form of a pulled muscle or sprained joints.
Protein is what helps you build muscle – so if your goal is to improve body composition, whether that be to gain muscle or lose fat, consuming an adequate amount of protein is incredibly important. Ideally, to build muscle, it’s advised to consume anywhere between 1.8-2.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, spread out evenly throughout the day.
Consuming foods high in protein will give you greater levels of satiety reducing hunger.
Sleep is the most anabolic thing you can do. One thing to keep in mind is that training itself does not promote change, it’s also your body’s ability to recover and adapt to new stimuli and sleep plays an important role in that. From boosting your immune system to increasing productivity, sleep is one factor you must not compromise on.
Probably the most significant reason that’s preventing you from achieving your goals. Consistency is key – don’t switch from one program to the other or change diets every so often because you think it's not making a difference. Good things take time, and so do body goals. So, find a coach or a program and stick to it throughout.
Want assistance with your physique goals? Get in touch now.
17 Neumann Road, Capalaba Queensland 4157, Australia
North Road, Wynnum West Queensland 4178, Australia
Wynnum West
0487 352 082
0487 352 082